Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The language of "god"?

Could DNA hold the answers to quantum computers and virtual reality? Scientists know computers can be better than what we can do now with just micro chips. The brain is proof that computer technology is way behind in it's evolution.
DNA and the brain have already been storing and processing information much more efficiently, for Millennia. The DNA Matrix code, of Hydrogen ....Star stuffs, final and greatest success, the virtual 3D world's it has finally produced, inside our fleshy human brains. All this created by DNA's amazing construction of our brain cells. Who would have thought that hydrogen, the first atom, would burn in the stars so long that it came up with such a complex computer code as the DNA after all these years. The computer language of the universe, that created us to who and what we are now, that DNA code, once hacked and understood, we will use it to generate our own realities, quite literally. Computer generated dream world's. The brain has already produced the technology. We just need to be hard wired or telepathically plugged in, (Bluetooth?). Mobile phones prove two computers can talk to each other "telepathically" So we just need to add our own technology, to mould and structure it to perfection. Then we can interface, upload and download, to and from our brains. Memories, dreams, experiences, lifetimes. And at much faster speeds than our perspective reality of time and space finds normal.

But if we can speak DNA, can we speak to god? Do the angels of god live and work inside DNA?

DNA is the 3 Dimensional Matrix code which generates this world in which we live. It builds this world builds us. Quantum computers will not be binary digital computers, but more like the DNA code, or the elusive code that tells DNA itself, how to work! The level of technology we are seeing used in constructing the quantum level of reality will help us in this quest.
If you could tap in to DNA's secrets, to create that virtual reality, which you could then control, a Matrix dream machine generating 3D virtual worlds. WE WILL build the Matrix, using DNA secrets codes one day!
Imagine computers that will run like Windows XP or vista do just as we expect them to. But!! Using "gods" computer code, not even binary (10101010) 1ns and 0oz but the more complex DNA matrix code. To interface the way the Wii or Leap Motion does, just by motion, waving your hands. Or voice activated commands. The angel "Hydrogen" and the angel "DNA" will be proud on the day that computer hardware is launched on sale at PC World. The day they switch on the Matrix, and "liquid Karma" flows freely.
Imagine the power to tap in to our dreams. To create a link from dreams in our brains to our PC's simple to use operating system. We will need to create those quantum/DNA computers to achieve that. (unless of course you are a lucid dreamer and use the hardware already provided!) DNA based technology will make it possible to do anything. Think how we could control our reality. Put people we dislike on ignore, at the press of a button. Overlay peoples dress sense with our own preferred fashion sense. Or their whole self with our preferred avatar. Like CG in the movies when they make someone a cartoon.
Block abusive people from any access to our reality. And pay a fortune to Microsoft for the latest in virus software. HA ha ha. Perhaps we will conquer that enemy long before.

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